
ABA Journal inducts The Employer Handbook into its Blawg 100 Hall of Fame

Image Credit: ABA Journal

I stand here before you —

Ok, I’m sitting at my computer. In bare feet and sweatpants.

Either way, I’m hella-humbled to publish a law blog, which the ABA Journal now recognizes as one of the best of all time. That’s right. In addition to being recognized in the ABA Journal‘s Web 100: Best law blogs for 2017, The Employer Handbook has been inducted into the Blawg 100 Hall of Fame.

Take that, Atticus Finch!

Thank you, ABA Journal. Thank you to the other employment-law bloggers in the Hall of Fame who helped to pave the way: Jon HymanDan SchwartzMolly DiBianca, and Jeff Nowak. Thank you to all of the readers. Ah, who am I kidding? The readers that become paying clients are da bomb.

But, the rest of you are ok too. 😉

I could thank a host of others. But, to keep this short, I’ll stick with the folks who matter most; namely, my family. So, thank you to my super wife, Carly, and my amazing kids Brooks, Ivy, Pierce, and Joely. Don’t ask me their ages. It’s hard enough remembering names 😉

My crew has tolerated way too much of my time spent on the computer typing these posts. And, all in the name of love and HR compliance. Thanks, fam.

What’s next? Well, another blog post tomorrow. What else did you expect? Retirement?

Those iPhone X’s don’t pay for themselves, you know.