
My 5 best posts of 2012, as selected by the world’s best readers*

*Do I need a disclaimer? Do I?

What a year for The Employer Handbook in 2012! I’m most pleased that, in our second year of existence, readership more than doubled. Although, sadly, the one 2011 reader I had from Papua New Guinea never returned in 2012. I hope she is ok. Yeah, she’s ok.

So, what did my readers enjoy most in 2012? Well, apparently, y’all like Polka music. Why else would this be the most-clicked item on The Employer Handbook? What a strange cultured bunch!

As for actual HR/legal-related content, here were the top five based on total page views:

  1. Legislation introduced to expand FMLA coverage in PA. I originally posted this in June 2011 and the bill never passed. Move on, people. Move on.
  2. Facebook pics of employee boozing at a festival ruin her FMLA claim. This doesn’t surprise me at all. I was at SHRM National in ’12. I saw what happens when you provide HR “professionals” with access to karaoke and half-priced well drinks. Don’t worry, I won’t tell. ** Cancels Instagram account **
  3. Ethics charges for two lawyers over Facebook friending a litigant. I’m not so sure that the two lawyers are pleased about this. (Note: I love you. All of you. Keep clicking). Nonetheless, my theory that misery loves company in the legal community is confirmed.
  4. 4 new employment-law bills now pending in Congress. None passed. Yeah, I’m shocked too.
  5. Pepsi and Criminal Background Checks: Beyond the Buzz. This one was a guest post from Janette Levey Frisch. I tried combining chloroform with Pepsi Kona to keep Janette all to myself; however, Janette now blogs at The Emplawyerologist. Make sure to check it out.

So, other than old PA legislation, soda, booze, and farting (Give that one time to breathe, I expect big things), what would you like to hear about in 2013? Let me know in the comments below and I will make all of your dreams come true.