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I had this great post planned for today about the millions of American workers who skip work the day after the Super Bowl — and what employers can do (legally) to address it.

Then, I remembered that I wrote about it back in 2020. So, since I’m feeling lazy pragmatic, you get to take a trip down memory lane.



I’m not sure if we are still in the middle of the “Great Resignation,” the “Great Renegotiation,” or something else entirely. I am sure, however, that I could go for a great piece of coconut cream pie right now.

Additionally, I know that among life’s certainties are death, taxes, and employees complaining about their jobs. And those complaints are usually filed on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Reddit.

I understand that your company may be inclined to take matters into its own hands when employees complain on social media about work by, err, “facilitating” their exit from the company. But before you hand out any pink slips, read this post. Continue reading


Back in the Summer, during one of my rare deviations from blogging about COVID-19, I slipped in a post about a bipartisan effort in Congress to end the forced arbitration of sexual assault and sexual harassment claims.

Six months later, there are some real signs that this Bill will make it to President Biden’s desk for signature. So, if you have employees that have signed arbitration agreements, keep reading.

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New York Giants logo

Opertinicy at en.wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Yesterday, in this video about the Brian Flores race discrimination lawsuit against the National Football League, Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos, and New York Giants, my partner and I talked about whether the complaint pled enough facts to withstand a motion to dismiss.

Of the race discrimination claims against the three football teams, we concluded that the one against the NY Giants seemed the strongest (relatively). Last night, the NY Giants responded — to Mr. Flores, not my partner and me — with a statement explaining why they believe that Mr. Flores’s claims against the team have no merit.

Let’s take a look.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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