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Yesterday, I mentioned briefly that a Louisiana federal judge entered a nationwide injunction against the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services healthcare COVID-19 vaccine mandate (the “CMS Rule”). The CMS Rule requires the staff of twenty-one types of Medicare and Medicaid healthcare providers to receive one vaccine by December 6, 2021, and the second vaccine by January 4, 2022. Otherwise, the government can withhold Medicare and Medicare funding.

Surely, CMS has a strong interest in having safe healthcare facilities? So, why then did a federal judge forbid enforcement of the CMS Rule in all 50 states? Continue reading


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So much for that glass being half-full. For the government’s vaccine mandates, things are going from bad to — ah, you can read this sign.

Yesterday, a Louisiana federal judge entered a nationwide injunction against the CMS healthcare COVID-19 vaccine mandate. I’ll detail that tomorrow.

Today, I’ve got news on the big hit that the Executive Order mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for employees of certain federal contractors (the “Contactor EO”) just took. Continue reading

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