
The Employer Handbook Blog


Now THAT’s a good one! The most unique late-to-work excuses revealed.

On the heels of the excuses we’ve been hearing this week from meteorologists on the east coast about the transformation of Snowmageddon to #Snowperbole… — well, at least one weatherperson owned it — …What better way to end the week than with a list of creative excuses; namely,’s top…


No, really. Demanding an employee’s social security number isn’t religious discrimination

Remember that blog post I had from July of last year, the one you contemplated getting tattooed on your back. Yeah, you know the one. This one, silly. About the Fundamentalist Christian, who, upon filling out his new-employee paperwork, refused to provide a social security number because it would cause…


152,000 reasons for employers to consider discrimination with drug testing and haircuts

After the jump, what employers can learn from a possibly botched drug test and the failure to hire a Rastafarian (Or an excuse for me to make gratuitous True Romance references). * * *   Many employers drug test job applicants. Floyd (played by a young Brad Pitt), once motivated…


#SOTU and the #Workplace: A full debriefing of last night’s Presidential address

I had every intention of watching the President address the Nation last night. I really did. But, then I got sucked into the Director’s Cut of The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan’s Island, the one where the Washington Generals show up first and replace all the confetti with lice. Then poor Lovie…


FACT OR FICTION: To protect a pregnant employee, a company can make her stay home.

That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I got this question from an employer, “Hey Eric. We have…