
The Employer Handbook Blog


Can you smack your sexual harasser, complain, and still claim retaliation?

Not exactly a happy workplace trinity, but it’s what fuels The Employer Handbook. That and Jolt-Cola Bombs. The plaintiff  in this case claimed that she was sexually harassed by her male supervisor for over a year. The court’s opinion details alleged comments and groping in vivid detail.  (No recap here. I plan to keep my…


1 slur + 1 knife to the testicles = 1 hostile work environment

My new blogging platform and email newsletter have their advantages, especially the newsletter. For example, when a daily post goes out to my blog email subscribers (and, if you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do that here), one of the analytics I can track is the most-clicked hyperlinks. Welp, in last week’s “Heil…