
The Employer Handbook Blog


Can you force an employee to delete critical tweets about the company? NLRB says no.

Folks, it’s been a real crappy 2016 for Chipotle. Critical tweets about work get deleted. Last year, Chipotle’s National Social Media Strategist saw a series of tweets from a Chipotle employee working just outside of Philadelphia. The tweets had a common theme: working conditions: One of Kennedy’s tweets included a news…


HR101: It’s bad to withhold overtime pay until the employee submits to demands for sex

Call it a rule of reason. Or, maybe, it just doesn’t pass the smell test. We could even file this under “Just Sayin’.” And, of course, it would fracture a few laws, among others, the Fair Labor Standards Act. [Cue music] In Maphurs v. Cooling Tower Systems, Inc. (opinion here), the plaintiff claimed…


I see your EEOC Charge and raise you a defamation lawsuit

An even worse idea, my friends, is admitting that you still drink Zima filed a defamation lawsuit in response to an employee’s complaint to the EEOC. A national origin claim becomes a retaliation lawsuit. Late last week, Kurt Orzeck, writing at Law360, reported here about a lawsuit that the EEOC initiated in California federal…


Can a supervisor’s racist comments — after a firing — support a plaintiff’s bias claim?

What would happen if you punched your boss in the face? Wait! Don’t answer that. Ok, allow me. You’d get fired. But, what if, after you get fired, your boss calls you an awful racist/religious/sexist/”you name it” slur? Could it be reasonably inferred retroactively that bias motivated your firing? According to this recent…


NY federal court concludes that Title VII does not prohibit anti-gay bias….yet.

Last week, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission made headlines by filing its first lawsuits against private-sector businesses challenging sexual orientation discrimination as sex discrimination. Meanwhile, yesterday, another federal court in Christiansen v. Omnicom Group, Inc. (opinion here) concluded just the opposite: sexual orientation discrimination is “reprehensible,” but does not violate Title VII of the…


You + Me @ SHRM Legislative Conference: What could possibly go wrong?

Don’t answer that. Instead, picture this: A well-dressed guy saunters into the Washington Renaissance. Don’t worry, before next week, I’ll wash the stains out of my Metallica hoodie. Ok, Ratt hoodie. Ok, N’ Sync hoodie. Ok, N’ Sync sleeveless hoodie. He’s cool(ish) and snarky; he’s got an employment law blog and…


GUEST POST: Workplace lessons for employers from Ke$ha and Dr. Luke

We have an extra-special guest blogger today. It’s my mentee, Meaghan Londergan. (Sorry, folks, all of The Karate Kid images were copyright protected). Sadly, I no longer work with Meaghan. But, in her defense, there’s only so much Meyer that a young impressionable associate can take. Since then, Meaghan’s been…