
The Employer Handbook Blog


President Obama signs bipartisan bill protecting trade secrets under federal law

I’m mailing this one in, folks. I mean, did the two of you who actually clicked on today’s post read the title first?!? (I practically fell asleep at “bipartisan”) And, if you need to catch up on your zzzz’s, you can read a copy of “Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016”…


Caught on tape! EEOC nails a whiskey bar for pregnancy discrimination.

How did one employer not only violate the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, but also get called out by a federal judge for its “deplorable” conduct? Actually, before we do that, let’s quickly flashback to Monday’s post. That’s weird. Why didn’t Eric hyperlink “Monday’s post?” Well, I messed up and didn’t have…


Did this employer really sic attack dogs on a woman who complained about gender discrimination?

Now, that would be some serious retaliation! Where do I find these cases? The Illuminati I have my sources. In Elmore v. WMATA (opinion here), the plaintiff, a K-9 police officer, injured her neck and back after a bunch of dog attacks. She claimed that the WMATA refused to call off…


Survey shows working sole-breadwinner moms are far more likely to earn less than dads

Yesterday, I blogged here about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s conditional veto of a bill which was intended to level the wage gap between men and women performing substantially similar jobs in the Garden State. Serendipity. Last night, I came across this survey from CareerBuilder, which examined the pay disparity…


Governor Christie conditionally vetoes an equal-ish pay bill in NJ

There’s an equal-pay-for-women movement going on nationwide. Maybe you’ve heard of it. The most-commonly cited statistic is that full-time American female employees are paid only 79 cents for every dollar paid to men. Locally, here in New Jersey (technically, I’m typing this post in Cherry Hill, NJ in a diner located…


EEOC: Not letting transgender employees use the restroom of their gender identity is sex discrimination

Around this time last year, I blogged here about Guide to Restroom Access for Transgender Workers. According to OSHA, “all employees should be permitted to use the facilities that correspond to their gender identity.” And, it’s up to the employee to determine for him- or herself “the most appropriate and safest…


86 the “100% cured” policy for employees returning from FMLA leave

My other car is a minivan Last Summer, I blogged here about how requiring an employee with a disability to stay out of work until 100% cured (i.e., a no-restrictions policy) automatically violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. As courts have described it, the policy does not allow a case-by-case assessment of an individual’s…